Monday, January 10, 2011

What is your Business?


Rakesh Here...

Imagine you are at a seminar or an exhibition along with hundreds of entrepreneurs and during the break you get to network with them.

You strike a conversation with one of the attending delegates. During the conversation he asks you, ‘...and what do you do?’

What is your reply?

Do you say something to the effect-

Well... I am a dentist...

I’m a builder...

I’m a real estate agent...

I’m an interior designer...

Or whatever your job is...

Do you start describing your job when someone asks ‘What do you do?’ or ‘What is your business?’

If ‘Yes’ then what I’m going to share with you might help!
So, read on...

Firstly, if you have answered any of the above, it is not that it is wrong.

Yet, it is not right...

What you are doing on a daily basis is a job and your job is just a part of ‘what your business is.’

So, what is the right answer?

The right reply of the question is ‘Your Purpose.’

The purpose is ‘why’ you do ‘what’ you do and the answer is not money. You don’t do what you do for money. Your purpose should be way beyond money. Money is a bi-product you receive by living your purpose.

There are various steps involved in creating your ‘Core Purpose’. I will not go into the details. Yet, to start with you can ask yourself two powerful questions:

Q1. Why do you do what you do?

Q2. What happens to your customers with what you do? How is what you do for them affecting them emotionally?

That is the Purpose of your Business.

When someone asks me what I do, I say, ‘I make people happy and rich’. This is the purpose of my business and I live my purpose by doing my job of reviewing, making people think by asking some powerful questions.

Can you see the difference?

So, next time someone asks you, ‘What is your business?’ or ‘What do you do?’

You don’t say or describe your job...

You say your purpose,

‘I <complete your purpose statement>’

This will just be the beginning of a strong bonding with your clients.

To Your Success & Exponential Growth
Rakesh Prasad

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Way to Make Money in Business is to Sell People Something They Want


The other day I was going through some notes that I have been making from all the books that I have been reading year after year. As I skimmed through the hand written notes, I came across a note that I had made from a novel that I had read long, long time ago. The novels name was ‘The Secret’ by Harold Robbins. It had a very interesting dialogue about how to make money in any business. The dialogue instantly struck a chord with me and I had immediately taken a note in my notes diary.

I take this opportunity to share this dialogue about the way to make money in business.

Here it is:

“The way to make money in business is to sell people something they want.

Sell people something they want. Better than that, make them want something they didn't know they wanted, and then sell them that.

A thousand billion dollar business had been built on selling people what they didn't know they would ever want – what, in fact, they didn’t want when they bought it, and had no need for.”

If we look at all the major products that we use today, the fact is that there was a time we didn’t know we needed any of the things which has today become an integral part of our life. In fact mobile has affected our life so deeply that whenever we forget our mobile we feel incomplete.

The dialogue is a lesson in entrepreneurship for someone who is looking forward to starting his/her own organization.

To Your Success & Exponential Growth
Rakesh Prasad