Friday, February 11, 2011

Questions Might Be The Same But The Answers Are Always Different

Questions Might Be The Same But The Answers Are Always Different

I would like to share with you an article that changed my thought process.

Here it is:

I once heard about Albert Einstein when he was a professor. One of his student assistants who was preparing for an incoming class said, "Professor Einstein, what test are we giving 
them?" To which Einstein replied, "The same test we gave them last week." Bewildered, the student assistant replied, "But Professor Einstein, we already gave that test." Einstein simply said, "Yes, but the answers are different this week."

The bottom line is that the answers are different.

The rules have changed.

Time is running out for those who do not adapt to the new rules.

As Napoleon Hill put it so well, "Whenever a nation, a business institution, or an individual ceases to change and settles into a rut of routine habits, some mysterious power enters and smashes the setup, breaks up the old habits, and lays the foundation for new and better habits."

To Your Success & Exponential Growth
Rakesh Prasad

Monday, February 7, 2011

Are You Playing the Role of A Caretaker?

As an entrepreneur, we all have to deal with lots of people. They are our internal customers – employees; and external customers – people who give us business.

The question is: Do you take good care of everyone? Do you take pride in taking care of people around you?

In short, have you become a Caretaker?

If the answer is ‘Yes’, then you are in trouble.

I had this young guy as my assistant for more than five years. I treated him like family; I trained him and took good care of his personal needs. I became his caretaker and took pride in it. I shared my business and about my clients with him.

What did he do in return? He stole my concepts and approached my own clients with the same concepts claiming that it was his.
It was a shock for me. I reacted like a normal human being – I was angry!

But when I calmed down and started thinking about his behavior and my behavior towards him I realized that I cannot take care of everybody or even anybody for that matter. I might want the person to change for his betterment but the person might not want to change. I put in all my efforts and take out time to help a person but the person doesn’t want to be “helped”.  He feels happy with his life’s condition.

Today I no longer take initiative to help others. I have learned my lesson the hard way.

Instead what do I do?

I have changed my attitude and have become like a moving light house. Whoever comes in contact the only way I help them is by showing them the path that will lead them to their goals and then I step aside.

They have to become their own caretaker, I refuse to become theirs!!

How Regularly Do You have Coffee with Your Role Model?

Want to hang out and have coffee with Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.?
The first thing you do is go out and get their books.

Sit down with a cup of Coffee and the book of your role model and read it. Reading the book of your role model is like having a conversation with him. You get to get behind the mind of the author, learn what made him do what he did and how he became for what you look up to him.

It's like: When you enter a coal mine you cannot come out without some coal rubbing off on you. The coal will leave a mark on your body. Similar is the case with great books. The brilliance, the greatness of the book is bound to rub off on you and when you put down a great book after you have finished reading it, you will never be the same again.

Since last twenty years I have been having coffee with great minds like Anthony Robbins, Jack canfield, Jib Rohn, Zig Ziglar and many more in the comfort of my home.

And let me tell you, it really works!

So, with whom are you having Coffee today?